First off, I am no doctor. I just like popping zits. I mean I really like popping zits. If I had a job where I popped zits all day, you would meet the happiest woman in the world! Please understand that this was my own experience and it could be dangerous to a person if their sebaceous cyst got infected and it was recommended to have it removed by medical professionals. But we are not all made of money and it can cost big bucks to have these removed. I just want to share what I consider to be the greatest zit popping experience of my life.
While taking care of my mother, who was dying of cancer, my father had complained about a horrible pain in his back. Said he felt like he was sleeping on a rock when he laid down on his back. My father had had a sebaceous cyst removed before and sadly I only found out after it was over or I would have asked to watch the procedure. My Dad had another sebaceous cyst on his back and we didn't have much money to spend so he asked me to take a look at it. It looked like a child's fist was trying to push it's way through my Dad's back. It was horrible and awesome at the same time. As gently as I could, and with small alcohol wipes standing by, I pushed down on the skin surrounding the large mass protuding from my Dad's back. Stiff yellowish-white pus came forth from at least 4 "eyes" on the cyst. THIS WAS NO ORDINARY ZIT!! JACKPOT!!! This lasted for about 2 days. Then, after the stiff pus was all out, tons and tons of cores came out. I call them cores because usually when you removed the "core" or the hard part of a zit, the zit typically dies. Man, at least 30 cores came out the first time. IT WAS AWESOME!! Once this phase was done, then wet pus spewed out everytime I laid a finger on the cyst. I must have gotten shot in the face at least twice. Disgusting! But cool!! Finally, the last phase was where I had to keep a bandage over the dying cyst because water and thin pus oozed for a couple days. After 2 weeks of milking the cyst, it was gone.
Please note, after each pressing of the sebaceous cyst, I wiped the area with a small alcohol swab. And all the pus was cleaned up and removed with tissues and sometimes paper towels. WOO, IT WAS A BIG ZIT!!! But it cleared up and my Dad hasn't had one since. It was very painful for him and I didn't press on his sebaceous cyst too long each time. But what came out was truly AMAZING! And I'll never forget those 2 wonderful weeks where I popped a sebaceous cyst out of existence.
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I had a Sebaceous Cyst myself for years, I tried all types of thing from castro oil to apple cider viniger and even surgery didn't work, the thing that actually full got rid of my sebaceous cyst was this ointment I got from this here
An amazing treatment is the Banical herbal medicine. It is entirely composed of herbal contents that are a result of extensive research from the experts. This medicine is made according to the nature of the body and the response of the skin cells to the Sebaceous Cyst. It strengthens the skin cells and makes them strong enough to dissolve the cyst itself. The medicine can be bought from Herbal Care Products.
From different resources online and offline we came up with some very helpful tips which can help a great deal in dealing with sebaceous cyst sebaceous cyst but they are not tried and tested personally by any of our member. These have been collected from various resources as mentioned earlier. To find out read on!
The herbal ingredients of Banical are Shilajit, Liliaceae, Spiny bamboo, Cloves, Centaurea behen, Cassia, Jadwar, Nutmeg, Early-purple orchid, Himalayan Peony, Red-veined salvia, Ginger, Nux vomica and Grey Amber. This medicine is only made of herbal contents due to that it is very effective without creating any kind of side effects. This is the best suggested remedy for the Sebaceous Cysts Treatment. It can be purchased from Herbal Care Products.
Very nice and helpful information has been given in this article.
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